
Can You Use Contractions in Common App Essay

As a professional, I know that the question of whether you can use contractions in your Common App essay is a common one. The answer is yes, you can use contractions in your essay, but it`s important to use them judiciously.

Contractions, for those who don`t know, are shortened versions of words that combine two words into one. For example, “can`t” is a contraction of “can not,” and “it`s” is a contraction of “it is.” Contractions are commonly used in everyday speech and informal writing, but some people view them as less formal than their uncontracted counterparts.

So, if you`re wondering whether you should use contractions in your Common App essay, the answer is ultimately up to you. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Remember your audience.

The Common App essay is your chance to showcase your personality and writing skills to college admissions officers. While it`s important to be yourself and write in a way that feels natural to you, it`s also important to keep in mind who your audience is. Admissions officers are looking for applicants who can write effectively and express themselves well, so you`ll want to make sure your writing is clear and concise.

2. Don`t overdo it.

While it`s acceptable to use contractions in your essay, you don`t want to overdo it. Too many contractions can make your writing feel choppy or informal. Instead, use contractions sparingly, where it makes sense to do so. For example, it might feel more natural to write “I`m” instead of “I am,” or “you`ll” instead of “you will.”

3. Use contractions consistently.

If you choose to use contractions in your essay, make sure you use them consistently throughout. Inconsistency can make your writing feel disjointed or confusing.

In conclusion, using contractions in your Common App essay is acceptable, but it`s important to use them judiciously. Remember your audience, don`t overdo it, and use contractions consistently. With these tips in mind, you`ll be able to write an effective and engaging essay that showcases your unique voice and perspective.


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