
Types of Annual Maintenance Contract

Annual maintenance contracts (AMC) are agreements between service providers and customers for the maintenance and repair of equipment or assets. These contracts are usually for one year and cover a wide range of maintenance services. In this article, we will explore the different types of annual maintenance contracts available in the market.

1. Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract:

Comprehensive annual maintenance contracts cover all types of maintenance, repair, and replacement services for the equipment or asset. This type of contract includes preventive maintenance, emergency repair services, and replacement of spare parts. Typically, these contracts are signed for expensive equipment such as HVAC systems, medical equipment, and elevators.

2. Preventive Annual Maintenance Contract:

Preventive annual maintenance contracts cover only scheduled preventive maintenance services. This type of contract is useful for maintaining and extending the useful life of the equipment. Preventive maintenance involves regular inspections, cleaning, lubrication, and calibration of equipment to ensure optimal performance. This type of contract is suitable for assets that require regular maintenance, such as generators, air compressors, and cooling systems.

3. Labor-Only Annual Maintenance Contract:

Labor-only annual maintenance contracts cover only the cost of labor required for maintenance services. The customer is responsible for purchasing spare parts, consumables, and materials. This type of contract is generally cheaper than comprehensive maintenance contracts, making it suitable for equipment that needs to be regularly maintained, but not replaced frequently.

4. Parts-Only Annual Maintenance Contract:

Parts-only annual maintenance contracts cover only the cost of parts required for maintenance services. The customer is responsible for providing labor and technical expertise to maintain the equipment. This type of contract is suitable for customers who have in-house maintenance teams but require assistance in sourcing spare parts.

5. On-Call Annual Maintenance Contract:

On-call annual maintenance contracts allow customers to call for maintenance services as and when required. The service provider will charge for each call-out, and the customer is responsible for the cost of spare parts and materials. This type of contract is suitable for customers who have equipment that requires maintenance on a sporadic basis.


Annual maintenance contracts provide peace of mind to customers who want to keep their equipment and assets in good working order. The type of contract chosen depends on the nature of the equipment, its frequency of use, and the customer`s maintenance requirements. A comprehensive annual maintenance contract provides the highest level of coverage, while a parts-only or labor-only contract is more affordable. It is essential to choose the right type of annual maintenance contract to ensure the equipment`s longevity and optimal performance.


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